It is truly amazing how many people and businesses in our community are offering their help with the Grand Forks Children's Museum project. It is this community spirit that will ultimately get this project completed. From a personal perspective the breadth of donations and volunteerism warms my heart. It is this ‘can do’ spirit that will ultimately get the Grand Forks Children’s Museum and Destination Park built.
The community spirit in Grand Forks that I witness on a daily basis, shows that this community cares about one another, that we value each other’s well-being and that collectively we are interested in creating a better future for our children and our community.
Lights, Camera…Action!
Paul Hoplin, owner of Twin Tandem Studio, offered an in-kind donation to make a video! The video will target donors, as well as thank the donors with whom we are meeting. Filming began this past week. Miss Robin from Airoso Music Academy is a passionate supporter of this project and a strong advocate for STEAM education for our youth, and she helped find 16 volunteer children for the video. We are profoundly grateful to Paul and his team for their willingness to create a video for this project and to Miss Robin for her ongoing support and expertise.
The children who participated in the filming had fun! To create this unique video, the children were asked a variety of questions including: 1) what would you do if you were the size of an ant, 2) what is their favorite thing to do in Grand Forks, and 3) what would you do if you had $50MM? We will post the video once it is completed.
When so many in our community offer their help, we strengthen our community bonds towards a common goal. The support that we see from our community is deeply appreciated. On behalf of the board, we are overwhelmed by the spirit of community and offer our thankfulness and gratitude.
One of my favorite quotes from Michelle Obama…“We learned about gratitude and humility_that so many people had a hand in our success.” The Grand Forks Children’s Museum will be a success for this community because of this community.
From the French proverb: ‘gratitude is memories of the heart’…know that our hearts are full.